BLOG POST “You’re not the boss of me!” Remember this popular expression we often heard as kids? If we tried to tell someone what to do, they would immediately reply: “You’re not the boss of me!” At least, that’s what my two younger sisters and brother would say to me, the bossy big sister. As adults, we’re likely to…

I am grateful for… (May 2011) A – Army childhood B – Barter & bargains C – Cool clients D – DVRed tv shows E – Education (UMCP) F – Friends & family G – Gift of gab H – Health & humor I – Independence J – Jpegs/ Technology K –…
Blog Post Check in with yourself during the day. Ask yourself which of these task “boxes” you’re in. Or, ask someone else to hold you accountable. BOX 1 – Putting out fires Let go of perfectionism when task doesn’t require it Use your network – ask for help Ask – What’s the consequence if task doesn’t get done? BOX 2 –…
Blog Post This month I focus on PIE. I’m not referring to apple, sweet potato or mincemeat; this pie represents how much energy we have to expend on a typical day. I borrowed this–with permission–from a stress management colleague, Roger Mellott. He contends that we get one “energy pie” each day and that we must carefully decide how, and to whom, we dole out…
Blog Post Clients & Colleagues Share 2011 New Years Resolutions (Partial List) “Talk more. Email less.” -Diann Scarborough, Houston TX “Work. Play. Love.” -Susan Guzzetta, San Diego CA “Listen more and talk less.” -Stephanie Wong, San Diego “Play more.” -Lisa K. Coleman, Tucson AZ “To be as good a man as my dog thinks I am.” -Dan Collins,…