Phrases of Praise The more specific you can be in giving praise to your employees, the better. For example: “Great job handling the staff meeting this morning.” “I liked the way you resolved that client problem.” “Very thorough report.” Although I’m sure employees will also appreciate a quick one or two word acknowledgement such as “thank you” and “I appreciate…
Text Talk If you have teens or young adult children, you have probably learned to stay connected with them via their preferred means of communication–TEXT MESSAGING. However, text messaging is now becoming a popular means of communication for everyone, even in business. Here are a dozen of my favorite text message abbreviations. LOL – Laughing out loud …
Is your glass half empty or half full? To fill the half empty glass, check out the negative phrases and their positive counterparts below. 1. “I’ll try” >> “I’ll do it” 2. “That’s a problem” >> “That’s a challenging opportunity” 3. “I got lucky” >> “I worked hard” 4. “I failed” >> “I learned” …
TO CONFRONT OR NOT TO CONFRONT? That is the question. Do you confront the cranky coworker, annoying neighbor, overbearing boss…or just let it go?If you’re trying to decide whether confronting a current difficult situation makes sense or not, take a look at the three “reality check” questions below. This will come in handy both at work and at home. Ask…
BLOG POST Oprah’s Observations I finally had a chance last weekend to watch the Oprah Show Finale which I had taped weeks ago. I thoroughly enjoyed her 25-year recap. Some of Oprah’s observations resonated with me so greatly that I thought they were worth sharing. I hope you also find them valuable, either personally or professionally. 1.“Not everybody…
BLOG POST “You’re not the boss of me!” Remember this popular expression we often heard as kids? If we tried to tell someone what to do, they would immediately reply: “You’re not the boss of me!” At least, that’s what my two younger sisters and brother would say to me, the bossy big sister. As adults, we’re likely to…