Work Together Better

A Nod to the Naysayer

A Nod to the Naysayer

“We already tried that.” “That won’t work.” “That will never happen here.” Nothing will ever work according to these common comments made by the Naysayer.  Or how about Sarcasm, the Naysayer’s witty cousin, who says: “Yeah right.” “Dream on.” “Good luck with that.” These roles and similar ones can hinder a group’s process by diverting the attention away from achieving…

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The Easy Way to Understand Your Teamwork Type Better

The Easy Way to Understand Your Teamwork Type Better

In our personal and professional lives, teamwork comes in many forms. From group assignments and project management at work to social and family planning at home, we often need to work together better. No matter what the context, all teamwork has something in common: the three types of behavior that people exhibit while working in a group. Generally, when working…

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The Four Things That Annoy Your Employees The Most

The Four Things That Annoy Your Employees The Most

  In the more than 20 years that I’ve spoken at companies and conferences about staying positive and working together better, I have received feedback from hundreds of employees. They have shared what regularly frustrates them.  Often the things that annoy employees the most fall into four categories: Lack of accountability Lack of appreciation Lack of direction Lack of belonging…

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How To Gain Cooperation When You’re Not In Charge

How To Gain Cooperation When You’re Not In Charge

  Have you found yourself in a situation that requires you to gain cooperation when you’re not officially in charge? Whether you’re communicating with a client, a boss, a colleague or even your family, figuring out how to pull rank when you have no rank to pull requires perspective, strategy and clear communication. The first step to gaining cooperation from…

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I Told You So!

“I told you so” along with “That’s a dumb idea,” “I knew you couldn’t do it” and “What were you thinking?!!” are just some of the nasty comments that may catch us off guard when they come our way.  Even worse is when those well-intentioned, but hurtful comments come from people close to us such as co-workers or family. I…

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