“How to Turn Negativity into Possibility”
Whiners, naysayers and defensive people…What causes their negative attitudes? In this entertaining and informative presentation you will learn what causes negativity and how to keep the contagious effect from rubbing off on you.
Presentation highlights include:
- Three P’s for staying positive
- “Is the glass half empty or half full”: Challenge your assumptions
- Learn to identify the symptoms of negativity – in yourself and others
- What causes negativity at work? Find out informal survey results
- Learn ways to expose subtle negativity such as rolled eyes, sighing and silent resistance
- Find out how to respond to whiners, naysayers and other disruptive personalities
- Find out how to the keep contagious effect of other people’s bad moods from rubbing off on you
“How to Turn Negativity into PossibilityThis flagship topic is the original topic with which I started my business and was the basis for the tag line “Negativity to Possibility” (still an alternate domain name for the SaritaMaybin.com and SaritaTalk.com website.)
We’re now using “Helping People Work Together Better” as the tagline and topic requests have tended toward the more positive-sounding titles. However, the “stay-positive-play-nicely” theme of this presentation has carried over into other presentations as well.
This topic is most frequently requested by clients whose employees have to deal with negativity on a regular basis and/or need coping strategies to be able to see the half-full vs. half-empty perspective of a challenging work situation.
Please take a look at client list and client testimonials. See below for an example of content provided in this presentation. I look forward to collaborating with you! Sarita
Is your glass half empty or half full?Replace each of the words below with a more positive, “half full” word.