“Total Teamwork: Working Together for Better Results”
This workshop features a fun, interactive team simulation activity that reveals the roles that team members play and provides insights into handling team challenges. You’ll also complete a ten-item assessment to find out how well your real life team is doing and learn tools for improved employee engagement.
Presentation highlights include:
- A ten-item assessment to find out how well your real life team is doing
- Tools for improved employee engagement
- Strategies for using the strengths and weaknesses of team members
- How to’s for handling team challenges
- How to develop team trust
- Characteristics of ideal team members
- Roles people play – an interactive team simulation activity
- How to respond to “anti-group” behavior
- “Rules of the Road” – developing shared team expectations
- CUSTOMIZED CASE STUDY/Small group discussion
“Total Teamwork – Working Together for Better Results”My collaboration with one of the Kaiser Permanente departments here in San Diego was noteworthy because the client’s bigger objective was to merge four previously independent departments into one. My role in the collaboration: Help the leaders of those four areas begin to bond as one unit thru a series of four staff off-sites.
“Total Teamwork: Working Together for Better Results” is the most experiential of my topics and the only one that works best as a workshop, rather than a keynote. The centerpiece of this presentation is an interactive team-simulation activity and the workshop is usually highly customized which makes this the perfect selection for retreats, staff development and team off-sites.
I’m able to use my background and skills (Master’s Degree in Counseling, facilitation skills and experience as a university dean of students) in order to help groups feel comfortable discussing potentially challenging team communication concerns. A common comment by clients following this workshop: “I can’t believe that so-and-so was so forthcoming and open in the discussion. They never talk at work!”
Please take a look at client list and client testimonials. See below for an example of content provided in this presentation. I look forward to collaborating with you! Sarita
“Rules of the Road”Teams have shared operational values or “rules of the road” regarding such things as the items on the following list. Which ones are you reinforcing on your team and what norms have been established?
___Customer Service
___Professional Development
___Information Sharing
___Risk Taking
___Team celebrations
___Work scheduling
-Team members will arrive at weekly staff meetings on time.
-All staff will attend at least three professional development workshops per year.
-Team pot luck lunches are held to celebrate completion of each major milestone.